Friday, December 11, 2015

ATC Under the Tree

Imagine the scene: the tree trimmed to Christmassy perfection, a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the fire crackling, brightly wrapped gifts stacked in orderly piles of anticipation, the sun just dawning on the perfectly peaceful holiday morning… And then, as the first present is opened, the biggest surprise of Christmas day bursts forth in a grunting, armor-plated ball of pent-up terror. Tree and presents are toppled, drinks are spilled, sparks fly from the fireplace, the children are terrified into absolute silence, and all adults present are racing to subdue the creature before all is lost.

As the smoke and debris clears, the bundle of cheer is revealed to be an armadillo, perhaps dressed up to look like Rudolph in a small-dog costume, complete with red nose. Why gift scented candles and kitchen appliances when you can be so original, daring even?

We don’t know why no one ever likes our most creative ideas.

Austin Tri-Cyclist is, unfortunately, not licensed to trade in live armadillos. Staff do their best to keep things exciting, however, and while this year’s list of holiday gift ideas might be more practical than a wild animal, they’re still sure to be loved by the recipient.

Garmin Forerunner 235, $329.99 
Now in stock, this running watch includes a built-in heartrate monitor. Getting heartrate from your wrist versus an uncomfortable chest strap will put an extra spring in your step. The watch also tracks distance, pace, time, and more.

Light and Motion Vis 180 Micro Taillight, $44.99
Winter training means lots of time in dim light or pure darkness for cyclists and multisport athletes. Try this bright little gem for compact and rechargeable rear illumination.

Skratch Labs Cookbooks, $24.95 
The Feed Zone Cookbook or Feed Zone Portables Cookbook
Store-bought bars and gels can get boring and expensive; make your own with the Feed Zone Portables Cookbook. Or check out The Feed Zone Cookbook for healthy meal recipes designed specifically for athletes.
Links: Feed Zone, Feed Zone Portables

Speedplay Zero Aero Walkable Cleats, $54.95
Off the bike, Speedplays used to have the downside of being more delicate than other pedals and more prone to slipping. These beauties let you take a hike without fear of embarrassment and protect the cleat from wear (and damage to floors). Included "cleat buddies" can be plugged into the center cavity for walking in dirty conditions. Speedplay also claims an aero advantage.

Run ATC T-Shirt, $24.95
Still not the real dillo, but close…this fashionable tee is perfect for the runner/triathlete with similarly good taste in music.
(and find the V-neck version here)

Skratch Labs Fruit Drops Energy Chews make a nice stocking stuffer. Check out ATC’s other nutrition options as well, in powdered, gel, and bar form.

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