Q&A with Triathlon Pros Brandon and Amy Marsh
Amy has recently won IM Wisconsin and IM China and has her eyes set on Kona. Brandon has a plethora of top 10 IM finishes and is getting closer to that elusive #1 placing. Both are available for coaching and advise in the Austin area and beyond.
Brandon and Amy Marsh are two top level triathlon pros that reside in Austin, TX.
You can find out more about them by visiting their blogs.
What’s next for Team Marsh?
A: Some training, some racing and some coaching. Same old, same old. My next race is New Orleans on April 18th. I need to redeem myself from last year after having a flat on the bike and spending way too long changing it! I'm not telling you how long it took though...let's just say I was able to beat one other person and that was it!
B: We are also going to another TBB training camp in Switzerland.
A: Will be my first time racing as a pro in Kona this year. The last time I raced Kona I was as an age grouper in 2005. After that race, I told everyone that I would never do an Ironman again! Well...it took me 4 years to want to try another one.
B: I keep finishing in 9th...so not yet. It's just another race right...except for that whole World Championship title.
Favorite Triathlon distance?
A: I like them all. And I thought I would never say this but... Ironman is becoming one of my favorite distances.
B: Any of them. I hate it when people think that triathlon is ONLY Ironman. Or that you have not done a FULL triathlon if you have not done an IM.
What Pros do you look up to?
A&B: Matty Reed, he's about 6'5"….The pros who wake up and get their job done...some for different aspects of being a pro. The first that come to mind are Craig Alexander, Andy Potts, and Simon Whitfield as they appear to approach triathlon truly as their profession. And, I really think that they enjoy the racing and training...Simon said he was going to be running around in a Speedo for as long as he could.
Which do you enjoy most Swim, Bike, Run?
A: I like the variety of all 3 disciplines. I came from a swimming background. I spent the first couple of years racing triathlon loving the swim and hating the run. Now a days it's almost the opposite!
B: Even though the bike has kind of been my "weakness", especially according to coach, I like to ride my bike. I like bikes, just about everything about them. Road, mountain, commuter. They are cool. More people should ride their bikes...more.
ATC: Times are tough when a sub 4:40 IM bike split is piss.
Most memorable tri?
A: 2009 Ironman Wisconsin. My first Ironman win and I got to celebrate it with my college buddies who were all there watching.
-My first triathlon Danskin in 2002. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I borrowed my brother’s mountain which was way too big for me. As soon as I finished I went home to find out when the next race was. I was hooked.
B: I have forgotten about more tris than most people have raced. I remember my 1st real one that I wore bike shorts at and chafed like crazy. I remember getting passed by my arch rival at the Temple Triathlon while vomiting on the bike. I remember beating Hunter Kemper at Junior Worlds in 1992. I remember winning my first race overall in 1993 at the TX State championship. Winning CapTex in 2005 was great. I almost lost my wedding ring after 3 months of being married in Ishigaki, Japan...maybe I should have let it go because Courtney Atkinson lost his there and went on to win it like 5 times!!
2010 Goals?
A: Have fun, be consistent, stay healthy and most importantly beat Brandon.
Just how brutal was IM CHINA?
A: One of the toughest races I've ever completed! The wind was nothing that I have ever experienced in a race and the run was HOT. Everyone was suffering out there so just to finish was an accomplishment.
B: Everyone says you suffer during an IM. You just suffer a little more at IM China. 27% DNF rate.
ATC: and I saw Amy was less than a minute behind you. You guys should not do the same races anymore.
ATC: Brandon, Are you scared of being beaten by Amy?
B: I think we all are.
Amy, how bad do you want to beat Brandon?
A: BAD...I want to beat him all the time. I race him in everything that we do...getting ready to go somewhere, eating, etc...Oh, and especially bowling.
Tell me about your new team TBB?
A & B: TBB is an International Triathlon Team coached by Brett Sutton. The team consists of about 24 athletes from around the world. TeamTBB provides the opportunity for us to train and travel with the support of various sponsors. Beyond that, the team is trying to develop a social project so that we are more than "just" athletes.
What is a typical training week?
A: Pretty simple really. Try to do the same thing week in and week out which consists of a long ride, long bike and also some intervals thrown in there. No real secret training like our friend Josh Lee likes to do!
B: People are always looking for secrets. There are none. Be consistent. Finish workouts stronger than you start. It is o.k. to go slow...better than going too fast. I probably swim, bike, and run 6 days each per week. My training now that I am doing it more full time is probably 50-75% higher volume than I did in the past. For the past 3-4 years, I probably averaged 15 hours a week every year...so some higher, some lower, but that is a true average.
Food Diet Tips?
A: Try to eat real foods and limit any processed foods. Also, dark chocolate every night is the key to success.
B: Do NOT listen to what most diet "experts" tell you and just eat real food. Limit your carbs. Ice cream before races...and after too.
ATC: So dark chocolate ice cream is the secret…..
Jackmott…fact or fiction?
A&B: Who's Jackmott?
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