A lot of us can relate to both of these characters. There are the tortoises who click off miles after miles of training, but they always play it safe and never push their limits. They get great benefit from developing their aerobic systems and being able to handle the miles, but there is definitely something missing in their training. On the other hand, you have the hares that can’t wait to hit the track, mash the pedals, and do a few massive sessions in the pool, only to end up sidelined by injury and burnout. It’s a fine line we must walk to get the right mix of slow and steady, and quick and intense.
The most important thing is to make sure you are getting some sort of mix in your training. Adding in a group ride/run or masters swim is a great way to mix things up and add controlled intensity (okay, not always controlled—see ATC World Champs Saturday ride) to your training. If you feel like you have been pushing a little too much, don’t be afraid to slow things down. I’ll go on "family runs" with my wife and dog when I know I need to go easy. It’s a great way to keep me in check, and it’s always nice to have their company. Now that ATC got my brother set up on a new Cannondale bike, I'll be reaching out to him for more fun training options. Make it an opportunity to run with a friend who’s just starting out, or someone you usually don’t get to train with. Finding the best mix and balance for you is crucial to long-term growth, health, and probably overall happiness in your training.

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