The Wednesday ATC run was a little spooky this week—runners ran 4- and 6-mile loops en masse and in costume on the Town Lake trail, and HOKA ONE ONE and 2XU were on hand for demos and costume judging.

Costumes ranged from Snow White to dragons to an unidentifiable green thing. ATC Racing’s Marla Briley, president of dog-rescue organization
GSP Rescue, arrived as Cruella Devil with the slightly spotty Nikita by her side. Patrick Healy made a convincing Aquaman, and the Skinner family represented the Land of Oz: little Adelyn a pint-sized Dorothy, Leah a scarecrow, and Gray a creative “tornado,” bravely running with a conical plant cage wrapped in toilet paper and dry leaves over his neck. Some costumes were so creative that we’re not even sure what they were, and other runners simply came as themselves. Tim Dove’s annual 21st birthday was also part of the celebration.

Running in HOKAs may be uber comfortable, but running in costume is not! When planning your “spirited” run wardrobe, several important matters should be taken into consideration for overall safety and comfort: Visibility! Because it’s important to be able to see when moving rapidly in a forward direction wearing a sheet over your head. Heat levels! Because Big Foots and other furry monsters aren’t always happy and healthy when it’s 80 degrees. And, last but not least...Durability! You want whatever you put on to stay on, especially if it was minimal to begin with.
Happy Halloween from everyone at ATC!
Join the Wednesday Run: The group leaves from ATC Barton Springs every week at 6 p.m. Anyone is welcome for the run and/or beers at the shop after.
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