Austin Tri-Cyclist Blog

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Run-Far Time Trials

The Run-Far TTs have started and it was a great first one. Winds were calm and the temp was moderate. If you dont know about the time trials its a chip timed individual time trial that is every 2nd and 4th tuesday of the month. The course is 8 miles long and follows the south mopac loop. If you dont own a chip its only $5, and free if you are a chip owner. Its a fun event that gives you at least 2 weeks of bragging rights.

Anyways we had some of ATC folks go out and test the waters. I did well for the first one and of course hope to improve. Robert Biard was kind enough to coach me the last 1/2 mile so I say thanks. When I say coach he just yelled at me to go faster and push harder.

Corey May and Shawn Ullman continued their friendly rivalry, but Corey got the best of Shawn but only by 20 seconds. If Corey slacks off too much it could be the end for him.

Anne Stevenson and Tslab Terway fought it out for fastest couple. Anne also got the fastest masters title of the day while Tslab went sub 20 min.

In the Grand Grand Masters division Preston Hampton took top honors.


Adam Stroobandt - 17:56 - 26.8 MPH

Corey May - 18:45 - 25.6 MPH

Shawn Ullman - 19:06 - 25.1 MPH

Tslab Terway - 19:56 - 24.1 MPH

Anne Stevenson - 20:17 - 23.7 MPH

Preston Hampton - 22:35 - 21.3 MPH

See you all in 2 weeks


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