When upgrading your
ride, whether you’re buying new components or purchasing a completely new
frame, a good way to start is to decide how much you want to spend. Especially
in Austin, it’s not unusual for an athlete’s bike to be worth more than his or
her car. (Who needs working AC for the workday commute when you can have
integrated aerobars and hydraulic brakes on race day?) But buying a new bike certainly
doesn’t have to break the bank; striking a balance between what you want and
what you can afford, you can build up a ride that leaves no room for
Recently, a common
price point for buyers in the market for a new TT bike seems to be $3,000, so
we’ve put together some info on three popular options at ATC that fit the bill:
the Cervelo P2, Boardman Elite Air TT 9.0, and BMC TM02.
Don’t let the
numbering confuse you—the new version of the P2, which was released at the
beginning of 2014, shares the exact same frame as the more expensive P3, with a slightly modified and easier-to-manufacture fork as the only difference. All
components are standard and located in the standard places. There are no hidden brakes or integrated aerobars to make maintenance or travel a hassle. Read our
detailed February 2014 post on the P2 here.
Shimano 105, 10 speed build - $2,800.
The Boardman has a
different look and color scheme than many other TT bikes—it’s less angular, perhaps a little more aesthetically “classic.” The improved 2014 frame, said to
be even faster than the one Pete Jacobs rode to his Ironman World Championship
win in 2012, is identical to the 9.2 and 9.4, with the only differences
being paint and spec. It features hidden brakes both front and rear. Meredith Kessler rode it to three wins in three races
this season, including the 70.3 U.S. Pro Championships. Read more about
Boardman’s line of bikes and arrival in Texas in our April 2013 post here.
Shimano 105, 10 speed build - $2,995.
The edgy TM02 is a close relative of Taylor Phinney's TM01, the bike he rode during his U.S. National TT Championship win. It features the same basic frame design as the TM01, including a trick hidden rear brake, but with standard front brake and aerobar arrangement for easy adjustment and maintenance. The BMC is wind tunnel- and race-proven, with a striking look and color scheme.
Shimano 105, 10 speed build - $2,999.
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